Title: Dust & Decay
Author: Jonathan Maberry
Series: Benny Imura #2
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: August 30, 2011
Format Read: paperback
Genre: YA Zombies, YA Post-Apocalyptic
Purchase: Amazon
From the publisher:
Six months have passed since the terrifying battle with Charlie Pink-eye and the Motor City Hammer in the zombie-infested mountains of the Rot & Ruin. It’s also been six months since Benny Imura and Nix Riley saw something in the air that changed their lives. Now, after months of rigorous training with Benny’s zombie-hunter brother Tom, Benny and Nix are ready to leave their home forever and search for a better future. Lilah the Lost Girl and Benny’s best friend Lou Chong are going with them.
Six months have passed since the terrifying battle with Charlie Pink-eye and the Motor City Hammer in the zombie-infested mountains of the Rot & Ruin. It’s also been six months since Benny Imura and Nix Riley saw something in the air that changed their lives. Now, after months of rigorous training with Benny’s zombie-hunter brother Tom, Benny and Nix are ready to leave their home forever and search for a better future. Lilah the Lost Girl and Benny’s best friend Lou Chong are going with them.
But before they even leave there is a shocking zombie attack in town, and as soon as they step into the Rot & Ruin they are pursued by the living dead, wild animals, insane murderers, and the horrors of Gameland—where teenagers are forced to fight for their lives in the zombie pits. Worst of all…could the evil Charlie Pink-eye still be alive?
In the great Rot & Ruin, everything wants to kill you. And not everyone in Benny’s small band of travelers will survive….
I liked the first book enough, so I decided to try out the second book in the series plus I already had it from the library, because my husband read it.
I have to say I liked this book better than the first one. It might have been because we got all of the world building information and character setup information out of the way in the first book or not. It also probably had a little to do with the fact that Lilah the Lost Girl is a lot less annoying in the second book. The author finally has her speaking like a normal person. The character point of views are also changed up in the second book. I liked reading from the different characters point of views. I got to see what just about everyone was thinking at one point or another.
Of course, some of the plot points do feel forced or very predictable, like the Chong and Lilah "romance" or Chong acting childish and running off or the very obvious death of the character that doesn't make it.
I would recommend this book if you liked the first book. But as far as YA Zombie books go, I would recommend The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan and the rest of that series over this one any day.
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