About Me

Hello blog followers! I hope you are enjoying my very first blog. I started this blog so I can share my love of books, food, and life in general. I am a wife, mother of two and an avid reader who loves to cook and bake. 

I mostly read YA books, so that is what you will see reviews for. I also read chick lit and sometimes even non-fictions books. My favorite YA genre would be dystopian /post-apocalyptic. I like those right after or shortly after the disaster as well as those about the  society they build afterwards.  

Happy Reading!
Sherry Knack

P.S. You might have noticed I have links on my website that go to Amazon. Full disclaimer, if you go through the links and purchase something, even if it's not the item you click on, I will get a very small kickback from Amazon. I plan on using these funds to help pay for any future giveaways on my site. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You have a great blog, and it sounds like we have very similar tastes when it comes to books.(I love dystopian YA, especially the Matched series) Do you ever take review requests? I'm looking for people to review my most recent novel, The Holdout,which is a chick lit title about love, justice, and reality TV.
    I'd love to give you a copy in exchange for an honest review. If you're willing, you can email me at laurel(at)pmibooks(dot)com.

    Thanks! I hope to hear from you.
    Laurel Osterkamp
